BA OST Index
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About This Site

The Site Itself

This website is the front-end showcase part of the project BA OST Index. About other parts of the project, please visit the project's homepage.

This website is a fan website of Blue Archive. All the information on this site are PUBLICLY AVAILABLE. No content on this site should represent any official opinions.

This is a non-profit, non-commercial website.

This site is not affiliated in any forms with Blue Archive, Yostar, Nexon and Nexon Games.

Text and Data

Part of the data of this site is from SchaleDB and we've confirmed that it is fine to use.

Part of the data of this site is from Sctop. This part of the data is under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

All game artwork, information and assets used in this site are the property and copyright of the respective authors.


This website is developed with Python and the library Jinja.

This website is deployed on GitHub Pages and uses Cloudflare CDN to accelerate.

This website uses Google Analytics for statistics monitoring.

The code is under Apache License 2.0.