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Story/[V1C2E18] Never Letting Go Part 1

Never Letting Go Part 1
General Information
Story Name Never Letting Go Part 1
Story Position Main Story
Volume 1
Chapter 2
Episode 18
Special Case
Battle Included Yes
Recollection Lobby No

Never Letting Go Part 1 is the 18th story of Chapter 2, Volume 1 of the main story (min favor rank ).


  • The Foreclosure Task Force is fighting on multiple fronts when Hifumi arrives with reinforcements from Trinity in tow. Using the unexpected arrival as a distraction, the Foreclosure Task Force breaks through the enemy lines.
  • When the Foreclosure Task Force arrives at Abydos High's old main building, a Kaiser board member bars their way. However, Aru and Problem Solver 68 arrive in the nick of time.

Battle/Bond Track Info

Story Reference

The following lists all the available sources for referencing this story.

Story Parts

1. Trinity's Reinforcement

  • The Foreclosure Task Force is in front of the building's gate but found enemies are under fire. Hifumi, at this point, connects onto the comm and explained the situation to everyone; and in particular she stresses these howitzer have nothing to do with Trinity. After the comm, the Foreclosure Task Force begins to break through the lines.
  • Characters



2. Battle

3. PMC Director

  • Everyone comes to the middle of the desert and recognizes the traces of the former Abydos High School. The director introduces the situation here and mentions about the "Laboratory" that the Black Suit once mentioned. Yet the director says they must pass him first, and at this moment all of the Problem Solver 68 come out and aid. The Foreclosure Task Force entrust the combat to Problem Solver 68 and then look for Hoshino themselves.
  • Characters

