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Track/136. Kyrie Eleison
OST InGame Story

136. Kyrie Eleison
General Information
Track Name (no.) Kyrie Eleison (136)
Also known as (aka):
Duration 74s (1min 14s)
Released Date 2022-08-09 08:15:00 (1660032900)
Track Type OST
Composer Information
Nickname Mitsukiyo
Contact 1. Mitsukiyo
Version Information
Original YouTube
Related Tracks
Other Tracks No related tracks!

Kyrie Eleison is the No. 136 track in the OST.

The 136th track in Blue Archive, known for segments related to the character Mika in the main story.

Name Translation

Original Names

  • English: Kyrie Eleison
  • 中文简体 (Chinese Simplified): 垂怜经
  • 中文繁體 (Chinese Traditional):

Other Names

  • Nothing to show!

Track in Album

This track has been included in the following albums.

In-Game Playback Info

The following data is generated by in-game files.

136 - Audio/BGM/Theme_136
Description: Type is [].
Playback Data Start Time: 0.0
End Time: 0.0
iframe data not available
10007 - Audio/BGM/Theme_136_Short
Description: Type is [].
Playback Data Start Time: 0.0
End Time: 0.0
iframe data not available
80704 - Audio/BGM/Theme_136_Song
Description: Type is [].
Playback Data Start Time: 0.0
End Time: 0.0
iframe data not available

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Track Stats

Track Types
OST Animation Short Animation Other
Release Stats
In Game JP Global CN
Story Usage
Overview Main Story Recollection Lobby Event Story
Mission/Battle Usage
Overview Main Mission/Battle In Story Battle Event Mission

Recollection Lobby Characters

The recollection lobbies of the listed characters use this track.

Usage Info

This section shows instances where the song has been referenced.

Related Tracks

  • No tracks!



Main Story


  • Nothing to show!


  • Nothing to show!


  • Nothing to show!


Note: The following list is sorted by mainly the reference count (the number showed below).